Lorry driver helps save pensioner's life

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Education news
A quick-thinking lorry driver who helped save a pensioner's life after he collapsed in the street is to be honoured.

Ashley Stewart, from Haywards Heath, was driving in Crawley just after midday on March 13 when he saw local resident Nevzat Altan collapse.

The 75-year-old had suffered a heart attack and was lying on the pavement.

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Mr Stewart sprung into action. He found no vital signs of life and began administering CPR.

Paramedics arrived five minutes later and told police that his actions had undoubtedly saved the man’s life.

The 35-year-old is now set to be awarded a Royal Humane Society Resuscitation certificate.

Andrew Chapman, secretary of the Society, said : “Put simply Mr Stewart was the right person in the right place at the right time.

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“Time is of the essence in situations like this and the sooner CPR is started the better the chances of the person’s recovery. Mr Stewart was there immediately after seeing Mr Altan collapse and went into action straight away. He saved Mr Altan’s life and richly deserves the award he is to receive.

“This incident is yet another one that emphasises the value of as many people as possible – members of the public as well as members of the emergency services - getting trained to administer CPR. No-one wants to have to use it but it can, as in this case make the difference between life and death.”

Royal Humane Society is the premier national body for honouring bravery in the saving of human life.